Acts 2 Sermons

The weekly sermon podcast of Acts 2 United Methodist Church in Edmond, OK

About the show

The weekly sermon podcast of Acts 2 United Methodist Church in Edmond, OK. If you live in the Edmond area, we would love for you to worship with us in person Sunday mornings at 9:15 and 10:45. Learn more at

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  • Unlocking Greatness, part 3: Your Life Is Not About You, But…

    July 3rd, 2022  |  29 mins 38 secs

    As children, we naturally feel like life is all about us. If we’re honest, many of us also feel that way as adults. But Jesus teaches us that our lives are not about us, but something much greater. In today’s message, Pastor Mark shares why this is good news, and he interviews Acts 2 member Jenny Herzberger about what she has learned since her cancer diagnosis nearly ten years ago.

  • Unlocking Greatness, part 2: You Are Not That Important, But…

    June 26th, 2022  |  32 mins 3 secs

    We want our lives to matter, and we desperately try to prove to others that they do matter. We want to be seen as important, but seeking importance actually takes us further away from true greatness. This week, we explore the liberating truth that we are not that important, and why that’s actually good news.

  • Unlocking Greatness, part 1: Life Is Hard

    June 20th, 2022  |  34 mins 40 secs

    It’s not a stretch to say that we are currently living at the most comfortable time in history, but at what cost? This instant society has a shadow side. How do we ever achieve greatness or even know what greatness looks like if everything is easy?

  • Joy, part 8: From Fear to Generosity

    June 13th, 2022  |  38 mins 19 secs

    We are afraid of not having enough — enough for today, for tomorrow, for retirement, for our children. Yet the surprising truth is that we actually have more when we’re generous. Generosity brings joy not just the recipient, but to the giver as well.

  • Joy, part 7: From Suffering to Compassion

    June 6th, 2022  |  35 mins 7 secs

    Suffering is inevitable, but the way we respond can determine whether we increase suffering or lessen it—both for ourselves and others. When we choose compassion, we can transform suffering and experience joy in the midst of it.

  • Joy, part 6: From Envy to Gratitude

    May 30th, 2022  |  33 mins 45 secs

    Did you know that gratitude can improve not only your happiness, but also your resilience, relationships, and health? We were made for gratitude, and we thrive when we practice it.

  • Joy, part 5: From Loneliness to Forgiveness

    May 23rd, 2022  |  33 mins 25 secs

    Our country, our community, our families, and especially our children have a loneliness problem. There is only one way to escape the loneliness trap, and that is forgiveness. When forgiveness stops, community stops, but when forgiveness thrives, community thrives.

  • Joy, part 4: From Despair to Acceptance

    May 16th, 2022  |  33 mins 17 secs

    Acceptance is not defeat or resignation. Rather, acceptance is seeing the sober truth of your situation, offering it to God, and working together with God and others for the transformation of your world and the world as a whole.

  • Joy, part 3: Humor

    May 8th, 2022  |  21 mins 40 secs

    A sense of humor can help us all get through troubled times, and this especially true
    in motherhood. Celebrate Mother’s Day and hear how a supportive community can help us
    laugh and even thrive through

  • Joy, part 2: Humility

    May 2nd, 2022  |  31 mins 42 secs

    If we want to find joy, thinking too much about our own happiness can actually be counterproductive. Instead, we need to think of ourselves less—to practice humility.

  • Joy, part 1: Perspective

    April 25th, 2022  |  30 mins 52 secs

    One of the hallmarks of Jesus’ life is joy, and by following his teachings and example, we can experience more joy in our lives. In this series, we’ll learn how to find, keep, and share joy in troubled times, and it all starts with perspective.

  • Easter 2022: A Lot Can Happen in Eight Days

    April 17th, 2022  |  31 mins 18 secs

    Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and we remember that Easter means the worst thing is never the last thing.