Acts 2 Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

528 episodes of Acts 2 Sermons since the first episode, which aired on November 30th, 2014.

  • The Gospel of Mark, part 2: A Second Chance

    October 30th, 2023  |  35 mins 56 secs

    Jesus invites us to follow him. And while it’s simple, it’s not easy. To follow Jesus is to find ourselves face to face with the needs of the world and the evils of the world. Yet he also not only promises that he’ll always be with us, but that he’ll send us with companions on the journey as well.

  • The Gospel of Mark, part 1: Tearing Heaven

    October 23rd, 2023  |  41 mins 54 secs

    Jesus’ life is good news for the world, and in the Gospel of Mark, we learn what that good news means for our everyday lives. In this series, we’ll explore how we can experience his good news for ourselves and be part of his mission to share it with the world.

  • What the Tech, part 6: If Jesus Had an iPhone

    October 16th, 2023  |  41 mins 2 secs

    If Jesus had an iPhone, how might he use it? By looking at his life and teaching, we can learn he would have us do with our technology so that we can be fully present, attentive, and loving to God and the people around us.

  • Truth: Discerning Fact from Fiction

    October 9th, 2023  |  38 mins 14 secs

    As technology progresses, it’s getting harder and harder to know what’s real and what’s generated by a computer. But Jesus teaches us that discerning the truth is enormously important because, as he said, the truth will set us free.

  • What the Tech, part 4: Temptation and Technology

    October 1st, 2023  |  39 mins

    Since the beginning of time and by the third page of the Bible, humanity has struggled with the relationship between God, knowledge, control, and temptation. When we get it wrong, the results are catastrophic.

  • What the Tech, part 3: Social Media is a Megaphone

    September 24th, 2023  |  39 mins 8 secs

    The downsides of social media are never far away. . . our teens are constantly confronted with images of people who somehow seem prettier, richer, more fashionable, and more popular. Social media takes the normal anxieties of teenage life and hypercharges them.

  • What the Tech, part 2: Alone Together

    September 17th, 2023  |  36 mins 1 sec

    How do we relate to God and one another in this digital age? We hope you will join us this week as we look for God’s answer together to the real problem of being “Alone Together.”

  • What the Tech, part 1: Becoming Human Again

    September 11th, 2023  |  29 mins 53 secs

    Technology enables us to do amazing things. Yet despite these advances, our well-being is diminishing by many measures. Too often, heavy device use leaves us feeling less human when we’re done. Jesus, however, came to give us abundant life, and he shows us how we can begin to reclaim our humanity: putting relationships before technology.

  • Until Only Love Remains

    September 3rd, 2023  |  46 mins 8 secs

    In our culture love is most often defined as a feeling. But that’s not love according to the Bible. Love is something else completely—a willing choice to put the good of the other before our own. When we make that choice, we can form and strengthen relationships that can endure even the greatest challenges.

  • It’s Just Not True, part 5: What Some Are Saying About the United Methodist Church

    August 27th, 2023  |  42 mins 35 secs

    While disagreement is unavoidable, division is a choice. The most important thing to Jesus is his followers’ unity, and in the midst of disagreement, we can create a community where everyone is welcome, and we can all work together for the good of all people.

  • It’s Just Not True, part 4: You Get What You Deserve

    August 20th, 2023  |  33 mins 49 secs

    When someone does something wrong, we want them to get what they deserve. But when we’re the ones who do wrong, we want mercy! Thankfully, Jesus shows us a God who does not give us what we deserve but offers us grace, no matter how little we seem to deserve it.

  • It’s Just Not True, part 3: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle

    August 13th, 2023  |  29 mins 44 secs

    When you’re going through a difficult time, someone might try to reassure you by saying, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But if we’re honest, we all have things we can’t handle alone. The good news is that God never expected us to handle everything on our own, and God helps us when we have more than we can handle.