Acts 2 Sermons

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

519 episodes of Acts 2 Sermons since the first episode, which aired on November 30th, 2014.

  • 221: Competing Voices

    May 5th, 2019  |  29 mins 44 secs

    Every day, we are bombarded by voices that compete for our time, attention, and our hearts. In a sea of competing voices, how do we discern the one voice that leads to abundant life?

  • 220: Listening

    April 28th, 2019  |  32 mins 38 secs

    God's voice can be difficult to hear, as the boy Samuel found out. However, Samuel was able to discern God's voice through the help of his mentor Eli and through praying this prayer: "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." Often, the first step needed to hear God's voice is simply to listen.

  • 219: He IS Risen

    April 21st, 2019  |  33 mins 2 secs

    On Friday, Jesus was crucified, and his followers were overcome with pain. On Saturday, they waited, and nothing made sense. But on Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead, and they experienced deliverance. Whether you find yourself in a time of waiting or pain, Easter means that Jesus still delivers us from death to life, hope, and love.

  • 218: Sloth and Diligence

    April 14th, 2019  |  38 mins 55 secs

    Sloth is painful to watch, but easy to fall into. When we give in to sloth, we become indifferent to those around us. But throughout his life, Jesus models a better way—the way of diligence.

  • 217: Avarice and Generosity

    April 7th, 2019  |  37 mins 18 secs

    While it's easy to see greed as a temptation only for the very rich, the desire for more affects all of us. Instead of accumulating as much as possible and holding on for dear life, though, Jesus teaches that generosity sets us free from greed and lets us...

  • 216: Gluttony and Temperance

    March 31st, 2019  |  40 mins 30 secs

    Whether it's food, shopping, or scrolling on our phones, we all struggle with wanting more than is good for us, and the excess leads to ruin. But God desires our freedom, and through the virtue of temperance, helps us trust that Jesus is enough.

  • 215: Envy and Contentment

    March 24th, 2019  |  25 mins 23 secs

    Envy can cause us to resent and even have contempt towards others. We can, however, find true, authentic contentment in God. In the presence of God, we have all that we need, and our envy begins to vanish.

  • 214: Lust and Chastity

    March 17th, 2019  |  26 mins 47 secs

    Lust can wreck our relationships and reduce our capacity for love. The virtue of chastity helps us overcome lust so that we no longer see others as object for our use, but as people with whom we can have real relationships.

  • 213: Anger and Patience

    March 10th, 2019  |  31 mins 35 secs

    It's easy to respond with anger when things don't go our way, but patience allows us to let go of the anger that ensnares us.

  • Episode 212: Pride and Humility

    March 3rd, 2019  |  37 mins 22 secs

    Pride distorts our sense of self and prevents us from seeing clearly, but when we humble ourselves before God, God's truth leads to life, freedom, and connection with God, self, and others.

  • Episode 211: Family Matters

    February 24th, 2019  |  36 mins 32 secs

    How can we best love our families? In the conclusion to “Relationship Bootcamp,” we look to the latest research and biblical wisdom for dealing with parents, children, and in-laws.

  • Episode 210: Loving Difficult People

    February 17th, 2019  |  28 mins 27 secs

    We all have difficult people in our lives, and we struggle to know how to be in relationship with them. The Bible gives us guidance for how to relate to wise, foolish, and evil people. When we follow this teaching, and we set and maintain healthy boundari...